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Swim Smartly is Dedicated

to Teaching Individuals the Importance of Swimming

Safe and Smart in an Effort

to Prevent Drowning.

About Me


Hi! My name is Kate Ziegler, and I am a high school student. I am building this website in hopes of educating caregivers on the seriousness of drowning and the importance of water safety. In summer of 2018, I became an American Red Cross certified lifeguard and gained so much more knowledge about this epidemic. My passion for the water began at four years old when I started swimming for my local summer swim team. The following year, I took up club swimming. Now, over ten years later, I am still swimming competitively all year around. When not around the water, I am helping my community through Girl Scouts. Being a very active member by earning badges, I also act as a mentor for younger generations of scouts. As part of my Girl Scout Gold Award, I am making this website to teach individuals that practicing water safety is a necessity in and around the pool. Since water is such a natural part of my every day life, as well as, for many others, I want to provide this information in an easy manner to help those have fun but remain safe around the pool. I have also added pictures and videos to emphasize the importance of swimming smartly and safely in the water. My hope is that the education I am providing will not only be useful in the present but for many years to come. 

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